Skill Related Components Of Physical Fitness

Skill related components of physical fitness.

We have already cover the 5 health related components of physical fitness.
This components are really important for everyone regardless of whether or not you would like to practice any sport.
You might be thinking you are felling better and healthier by working on those health components, but now you want something else.
Would you like to become an athlete? or you have any specific fitness goal?

You will need to work on the skill related fitness components.


  • The first one is agility:
    Is the ability to change the position of the body in space with speed and accuracy.
    Most sports will need you to acquire this skill, for example basketball players need to move in every direction, jump and respond to other players and ball movements.
  • The second one is coordination: 
    Is the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing tasks smoothly and accurately.
    Agility can also be understood as movement efficiency, it will need our body to react and make a certain movement in response to our eye movement. Also Known as hand-eye or foot-eye coordination.
    You will also need this skill in several sports such as basketball, football and even tennis.
  • The third skill related component is balance:
    Is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving.
    Balance is one of the most important components, not only in sports but also in our daily lives.
    Improving balance will allow us to reduce physical limitations and prevent injuries.
    Almost every sport and activity will need balance, even standing up, walking or running.
  • The third and fourth components are power and speed: 
    Power is the rate as which one can perform work. Work is the amount of force on an object, this means it is related to muscular strength, but also the speed of the movement.
    This can also be known as explosiveness, which is really important for several sports and activities, for instance any sport that requires jumping such as basketball and volleyball will need leg power.
    Speed is is the rate at which something moves. It is closely related to power as our body requires power to move faster and cover greater distance in less time.
  • Last but not least is reaction time:
    Reaction time is the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of reaction to it.
    This component closely relates to agility and is really important in sports such as volleyball and tennis in which the athlete needs to react quickly to the movement of the ball and determine the most accurate reaction.