What Are The 5 Components Of Fitness?

What Are The 5 Components Of Fitness?

Physical fitness is divided into health and skill related components, in this post we will discuss the 5 health related components of physical fitness. 
By working on each of this components you will improve your overall health to new levels.


The first physical fitness health related component is: Cardiorespiratory endurance🏃 , which according to the American college of sports medicine it is defined as
“the ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity”.
To improve or maintain this component  the AHA suggests a moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on 5 days/week or vigorous intensity for a minimum of 20 min on 3 days/week.

The second one is body composition.
Excess body fat, particularly when located centrally around the abdomen is associated with chronic conditions including, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke and dyslipidemia.
Reducing your body fat percentage will not only allow you to reduce your cardiovascular risk,
but it will also allow you to show off those toned muscles that you want so much, aesthetically speaking.
There are no universally accepted norms for body composition as this may vary from gender and age.
However a range of 10-22% and 20-32% for men and women, respectively, has been viewed as satisfactory for health.

The third and fourth components are muscle strength and endurance:
For general muscular fitness a person should resistance train each major muscle group (chest, shoulders, upper and lower back, abdomen, hips and legs) 2-3 d-wk with at least 48 h separating the exercise training sessions for the same muscle group.

And last but not least: flexibility
Flexibility exercise should target the major muscles tendón units of the shoulder, girdle, chest, neck, trunk, lower back, hips, posterior and anterior legs, and ankles, and should be done at least 2-3 days per week, with daily flexibility exercise being most effective.
Flexibility is really important in athletic performance and activities of daily living, facilitating movement and preventing injuries.

What are you waiting for? Work on your health and take it to a whole new level.