Exercise Health Benefits: Regular Physical Exercise Benefits For A Healthy Life

Exercise health benefits:

Want to have a long and healthy life with your love ones? reduce the probability of suffering from diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or even cancer? improve your energy levels? look great? or just feel better? then exercise!!

Increasing our physical activity and exercise can benefit you, regardless of your age, sex or condition.

We will show you some of the benefits you may enjoy if you decide to exercise more:

1) Exercise prevents diseases:
Exercise is considered as one of the most important primary prevention tool, as it reduces probability of developing several chronic diseases such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Osteoporotic fractures
  • Cancer of colon and breast
  • Gallbladder disease and more…

It is also beneficial for those that already have health conditions, reducing mortality and improving quality of life.

2) Exercise controls fat percentage 

Exercise can reduce total body fat and reduce intra-abdominal fat.  When we engage in exercise or increase our physical activity intensity, our bodies will need a substrate or “fuel” to feed our muscles, as a result our bodies will need to extract the energy from fat by breaking it down or “burning” the excess.

You are not only going to have the body you always wanted, as it will allow your muscles and abs to be more visible, but will also reduce the probability of developing cardiovascular diseases.

3) Exercise will keep you young 

Age is just a number. How much would you like to reach 60,70,80 or 90 years old with most of you capabilities?
Exercise will enhance physical function and independent living not only in older people but also in everyone that has had a sedentary lifestyle, it will prevent functional limitation and reduce risk of falling and injuries.

4) Exercise will improve mental health as well!

Are you having trouble remembering something? or learning something at school or college?

Exercise also benefits our cognitive function, it can improve some mental abilities such as , learning, thinking, remembering, problem solving and more.
Some other mental benefits of exercising is that it can enhance feelings of well being and reduce anxiety and depression.

So what are you waiting for?  exercise! be more active! enjoy life.

If you would like to know the difference between physical activity and exercise click here.